The Incorporated Village of Bayville is governed by a Mayor and six Trustees each elected to four-year terms. This seven-member governing body is empowered to enact local ordinances, levy municipal taxes and conduct the affairs of the Village. In almost all cases, it can review and approve the actions of other Incorporated Village of Bayville committees and agencies. The Mayor and Board of Trustees conduct all of their business during monthly meetings or scheduled work sessions, which are both open to the public. See the Calendar of Events for a complete listing of dates and times. All legislative powers of the Village are exercised by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. These powers can take the form of a resolution, local law or proclamation.
What is the Planning Board?
The Planning Board considers and reviews land subdivisions to ensure the orderly, efficient and economical development of land in Bayville.
The Planning Board is organized under the provisions of the Village Law of the State of New York and has all the powers therein conferred and is subject to all duties imposed therein.
Board Composition
The Planning Board consists of five active members, each appointed for a term of five years, and up to four Ad Hoc members each appointed for a term of one year. A Chairperson is selected from within the membership. The Board is assisted by a professional staff consisting of Village Engineers, the Village Attorney and the board secretary.
Planning Board Meetings
The Planning Board meets once a month on the first Tuesday at 6:30 PM in Village Hall. Public Hearings are scheduled in advance and are subject to notification requirements.
Future Proposals
Applicants who are contemplating a proposal for their property must complete an application and submit it to the Planning Board along with the current fee made payable to the Incorporated Village of Bayville. Applications may be obtained at Village Hall or online.
What is the Committee of Architectural Review?
The Committee of Architectural Review was created to preserve and promote the character, appearance, and aesthetics of Bayville. They provide procedures for an architectural review of the exterior of new construction and certain alterations to existing structures.
Committee Composition
The Mayor appoints six members to the Committee of Architectural Review. The Chairperson is the Mayor or a duly-appointed member of the Board of Trustees.
Committee of Architectural Review Meetings
The Committee of Architectural Review meets once a month on the third Tuesday at 6:30 PM in Village Hall.
Submitting CAR Applications
Applicants who are considering a proposal for their property must complete an application and submit it to the Committee of Architectural Review, along with the current fee made payable to the Incorporated Village of Bayville. Please note: CAR applications must be received within the first week of the month in order to be reviewed at that month’s CAR meeting. No more than five applications will be reviewed at any particular CAR meeting. Applications may be obtained at Village Hall or online.
What is the Zoning Board of Appeals?
The Zoning Board of Appeals was established to grant exceptions to zoning ordinances in cases where enforcement of the zoning ordinances would cause hardship or injustice. These “non-permitted” uses are based upon the zoning ordinances established by the Village.
Board Composition
The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five active members, each appointed for a term of five years, and two Ad Hoc members each appointed for a term of one year. The Board is assisted by a professional staff consisting of Village Engineers, the Village Attorney and the board secretary.
Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets once a month on the last Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Village Hall. Public Hearings are scheduled in advance and are subject to notification requirements.
Future Proposals
To obtain a variance, a Zoning Variance Application must be completed and submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals along with the current fee made payable to the Incorporated Village of Bayville. Zoning Variance Applications may be obtained at Village Hall or online.
Limitations of Variances
Because zoning variances may impact neighboring properties, an applicant is not automatically entitled to a variance. An applicant must meet specific criteria contained in the Village Code by satisfying specific legal standards of proof. This burden of proof is placed upon the Applicant to demonstrate that the requested relief is justified.
Notification Requirements
Zoning laws require that notice be served on all property owners within 200 feet of the Applicant’s property and must be either hand delivered or sent by Certified Mail. The law also requires this notice be published in a local newspaper. Both must be done at least ten days prior to the hearing date. These forms of notification alert neighbors that a variance is being requested so all interested citizens will be assured an opportunity to attend and be heard at the public hearing.