Stormwater Management (MS4)

The Village of Bayville has developed an updated Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan to comply with the new regulations set forth in New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC’s) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) (GP-0-24-001). The Village’s updated July 2024 SWMP Plan is presented below to solicit comments from the general public with regard to the program.

Please submit any comments regarding the report to the Village’s Stormwater Program Coordinator at:

The July 2024 SWMP Plan can be found here: Final SWMP Plan July 2024

EPA – After the Storm

The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines an illicit discharge as, “any discharge into a storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater.” Report illicit discharges into Nassau’s stormwater system by calling 516-571-7535. See Nassau County’s Illicit Discharge Webpage for more information:

USGS Flood Warning & Water Quality Monitoring System

A United States Geological Survey (USGS) Flood Warning and Water Quality Monitoring System was installed at West Harbor Beach. The system provides essential information for a long-term study to document how changes in the climate and the watershed affect ecosystem health in Oyster Bay and the Long Island Sound. You can access the live data here:

Build a Rain Garden with the Rain Garden App

Do you want to learn the benefits of rain gardens? Are you interested in having your own raingarden? The Rain Garden app developed by The Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) at the University of Connecticut provides basic information about what rain gardens are and how they work; guidance on how to design and install them properly; and tips for homeowners on maintaining your garden.

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is the runoff from storm events or spring melt. Stormwater runoff needs to be treated because it carries litter, oil, gasoline, fertilizers, pesticides, pet wastes, sediments, and anything else that can float, dissolve, or be swept along by the moving water. Left untreated, polluted stormwater can reach nearby waterways where it can harm and even kill aquatic life. It can also pollute groundwater so always sweep up litter and debris from walkways and sidewalks, driveways, patios and especially around storm drains.

What Can You Do To Help?

As stormy weather approaches, here are some other items you can do at home.

Auto Care

Oils, grease,and cleaning fluids can kill aquatic life. You can prevent these contaminants from polluting ground water by:

  • Washing cars on lawn or gravel surfaces with an environmentally friendly cleaner, or by using a commercial car wash that collects, treats and recycles its waste water.
  • Use drip pans to collect auto fluids and fix leaks promptly.
  • Clean up spills with dry absorbent materials. Kitty litter is excellent for this.
  • Dispose of oil and grease properly.

Pet Waste

Pet waste is a major source of bacteria that can result in transmission of infections and diseases. Don’t leave pet waste on the ground. Scoop it, bag it, and dispose of it properly.

Yard Care

Fertilizer promotes algae growth that can kill fish and wildlife, and contaminate ground water.

  • Use fertilizers and pesticides only if you have to. When you do, try and use sparingly. Where possible, try and use a bio-friendly natural compost instead.
  • Keep chemicals off paved surfaces and sweep up spills.
  • Mow laws to the appropriate height to reduce the need for fertilizers.
  • Improve your soil and conserve water by using composts and mulch.


Help rain water soak into the ground by directing roof and driveway runoff towards grassed areas or areas with plantings. This will slow surface runoff where rainfall ends up immediately in storm drains. Instead, water will have more time to filter down into the local water table.


Recycling Guide

Remember to keep everything out of the stormwater systems except the rain water they are designed to collect.

Links to Useful Resources

MS4 Annual Report – 2022-2023

The 2022-2023 FINAL Annual Report for the Village of Bayville’s Stormwater Management Program is presented below to solicit comments from the general public with regard to our program. Please submit any comments regarding the report to Maria Alfano-Hardy at

The final report can be found here: 2022-2023 Final Annual Report

The MS4 Annual Reports for the Village of Bayville’s Stormwater Management Program are presented below. If you have any comments on these reports, please submit to: