Welcome to the Village of Bayville

Home of the Best Tasting Water

The Incorporated Village of Bayville is governed by a Mayor and six Trustees each elected to four-year terms. This seven-member governing body is empowered to enact local ordinances, levy municipal taxes, and conduct the affairs of the Village. In almost all cases, it can review and approve the actions of other Village committees and organizations. The Mayor and Board of Trustees conduct all of their business during monthly meetings or scheduled work sessions, which are both open to the public. See the Holiday & Meeting Schedule and Events Calendar for a complete listing of dates, times, and locations. All legislative powers of the Village are exercised by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. These powers can take the form of a resolution, local law or proclamation. Message from the Mayor.

We Now Have An App

We encourage residents to download the app, which provides information from the village.

On a mobile device, click the image below.

On a desktop computer, use your mobile device to access the app from the QR code below.

Calendar of Events

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Calendar of Events

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Calendar of Events

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