PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-4-17, Dunlap Residence (S. Kahn, Arch)
Application to raise a house located in Special Flood District Zone AE-9 to meet FEMA requirements, with second story addition, requiring the following variances:
Chapter 80, Article XVI, Section 80-82
Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would change the building’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, requires a variance application to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-20 Lot Requirements
(A1) The proposed front yard width is 40 ft. where a minimum of 75 ft. is required.
(A3) The existing lot area is 3200 sq. ft. where a minimum of 7500 sq. ft. is required.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-21 Yard Requirements
(A1) The proposed front yard setback is 14 ft. where a minimum of 25 ft. is required.
(A2) The proposed rear yard setback is 23.4 ft. where a minimum of 25 ft. is required.
(A3) The minimum side yard setback is 8 ft. provided the sum of both side yards is 20 ft.; the
proposed side yards are 5.6 ft. and 11.7 ft.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-22 (B) Bulk Regulations
The proposed lot coverage is 874 sq. ft. where the maximum permitted is 800 sq. ft.
This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County is Section 28, Block 4, Lot 41 in the Residential C District. It is also known as 22 June Avenue, Bayville, NY.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 7:45 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-05-17, Wilson Residence (S. Kahn, Arch)
Application to construct a second story addition to a single family home requiring the following variances:
Chapter 80, Article XVI, Section 80-82
Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would change the building’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, requires a variance application to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-20 Lot Requirements
(A3) The existing lot area is 3974 sq. ft. where a minimum of 7500 sq. ft. is required.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-21 Yard Requirements
(A1) The proposed front yard setback is 10.8 ft. where a minimum of 25 ft. is required.
(A3) The minimum side yard setback is 8 ft. provided the sum of both side yards is not less than
20 ft.; the proposed side yards are 9.3ft. and 8.4 ft.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-22 Bulk Regulations
(B) The proposed lot coverage is 36.5% where the maximum permitted is 25 %.
(C) The Floor Area Ratio proposed is 0.46, where the maximum permitted is 0.40.
This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County is Section 28, Block 1, Lot 36 in the Residential C District. It is also known as 8 Pine Park Avenue, Bayville, NY
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-6-17, Charon Residence (L. Kurkowski, Arch)
Application to construct a second story addition to a single family home requiring the following variances:
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-21 Yard Requirements
(A1) The proposed rear yard setback is 13.3ft. where a minimum of 25 ft. is required.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-22 Bulk Regulations
(A) The proposed height is 31.8 ft. where the maximum permitted is 28 ft.
(B) The proposed lot coverage is 2765 sq. ft. where the maximum permitted is 2105 sq. ft.
(C) The Floor Area Ratio proposed is 0.47, where the maximum permitted is 0.40.
This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County is Section 28, Block 18, Lot 1-3 in the Residential C District. It is also known as 435 Bayville Avenue, Bayville, NY.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 8:15 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-7-17, Sayre Residence (R. Gahagan, Arch)
Applicant wishes to construct a second story addition to a single family home requiring the following variances:
Chapter 80, Article XVI, Section 80-82
Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would change the building’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, requires a variance application to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-21 Yard Requirements
(A1) The existing partial front yard setback is 21 ft. and the proposed new porch to create a
setback of 23.6 ft., where a minimum front yard setback of 25 ft. is required.
(A2) The proposed rear yard setback is 19.6 ft. where a minimum setback of 25 ft. is required.
Chapter 80, Article V, Section 80-22 Bulk Regulations
(C) The Floor Area Ratio proposed is 0.51, where the maximum permitted is 0.40.
This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County is Section 29, Block 13, Lot 335 in the Residential C District. It is also known as 7 Oak Shore Drive, Bayville, NY.