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ZBA Meeting

February 28, 2018 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the following:
#Z-2-18, Zukowski Residence (Gray Arch)
Application to construct a covered front porch, a covered existing rear stairs, and a second story addition requiring the following variances:
§80-20A(1) The required minimum street frontage is 75 feet and the existing is 65.6 feet.
§80-20A(3) The existing building area shall not exceed 25% of the first 7500 square feet
of lot area and 12.5 of any additional area. The existing building area does not change and at 6707 square feet.
§80-21A(1) The minimum front yard setback is 25 feet, the proposed is 19.68 feet.
§80-21A(2) The minimum Rear yard setback is 25 feet, the proposed is 20.4 feet.
§80-82 Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would
change the building’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, is not permitted.

This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County as Section 29, Block 91, Lot 7 in the Residential C District. It is also known as 28 Bayard Avenue, Bayville, NY.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 7:45 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-3-18, Gangi Residence (Kurkowski Arch)
Application to amend ZBA Decision, #Z-8-17, granted 5/31/17 to make alterations on two structures on a pre-existing and non-conforming property requiring the following variances:
§80-15A: Front yards. Where, at the time of the passage of this chapter, at least 1/2 of the buildings situated on either side of a street between two intersecting streets conform to a minimum setback line, no new building shall be erected and no existing building shall be reconstructed or altered to project beyond such a setback line. The foregoing rule shall, however, in no case be applied so as to keep the street wall or walls of buildings more than 25 feet from the street line. Where there is no existing building in the block, no new building shall be erected with its street wall nearer than 20 feet to the street line. The existing front yard at 22.9 feet is less than the required 25 feet.
§80-15B: Rear yards. A rear yard is required on every plot. The depth of a rear yard shall be
at least 25 feet, and not more than 40% of the area of the rear yard shall be built upon. The existing rear yard at 2.2 feet is less than the required 25 feet.

§80-15C: Side yards. A side yard is required along each side of a building, which side yard must be at least six feet in width on each side, except on corner plots, where a side yard of at least 20 feet is required on the side toward the street. The existing side yard at 2.6 feet is less than the required 6 feet.

§80-16B: Lot coverage. The building area shall not exceed 25% of the first 5,000 square feet of lot area, and 12.5% of that portion of the lot area, if any, in excess of 5,000 square feet. The existing lot coverage at 2846 square feet is greater than the permitted 1935 square feet.
#Z-3-18, Gangi Residence (Kurkowski Arch) Cont’d
§80-18A: Each detached garage, accessory building and structure, unless expressly provided to the contrary elsewhere in this chapter, shall be located at least three feet from the rear property line and each side property line, and at least five feet from the primary building on the lot. The existing shed at 2.5 feet is less than the required 3 feet.
§80-82: Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would change the building’s or structure’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, shall not be permitted hereunder unless an application for variance is made to the Board of Appeals and such application is granted by the Board of Appeals. In any such application, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board of Appeals that the cost of all alterations proposed to be made to such building or structure, in the aggregate, will not exceed 50% of the adjusted market value of the affected parcel, as reflected in the then-current assessment role for the Village. Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to preclude the maintenance and good repair of any nonconforming use or building.
This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County as Section 29, Block D, Lots 205-206, 805-806 in the Residential B District. It is also known as 5 Meadow Street, Bayville, NY.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-4-18, McCann Residence, (Kurkowski, Arch)
Application to construct a side deck requiring the following variances:
§80-20A(1) No building or structure shall be erected on any lot within the Residence C District that has less than 75 feet of street frontage. The existing street frontage is 60 feet.
§80-20A(3) No building or structure shall be erected on any lot within the Residence C District that has less than 7500 square feet of lot area. The existing lot area is 4800 square feet.
§80-21A There shall be front, rear and side yards on each plot of not less than the following depth or width:
§80-21A(1) There shall be front yard with not less than 25 feet. The proposed front yard is 6.8 feet.
§80-21A(2) There shall be a rear yard with not less than 25 feet. The proposed rear yard is 12.7 feet.
§80-21A(3) There shall be a side yard of 8 feet provided the sum of the two side yards shall not be less than 20 feet. The proposed side yards are 4.1 feet and 19.5 feet
§80-22B The building area shall not exceed 25% of the first 7500 square
feet of lot area and 12.5% of that portion of the lot area, if any, in excess of 7,500
square feet. The minimum allowed lot coverage is 1125 square feet and the proposed lot coverage is 1653 square feet or 34 %.
§80-60D Permitted projections or encroachments. Setbacks of buildings and sizes of yards, wherever required in this chapter and except as otherwise specifically provided herein, shall be the distance from the lot line to the nearest exterior finished wall of the building, which shall include the foundation wall of any attached garage, open or enclosed porch, and all other projections, except that the following shall be permitted, notwithstanding their encroachment into a minimum required setback:

#Z-4-18, McCann Residence, (Kurkowski, Arch) Cont’d

1) Window wells extending not more than four feet from the main foundation wall, and unenclosed entrance steps extending not more than four feet from the main foundation wall.
(2) Chimneys that project into required side and rear yards by not more than 24 inches, and that are not more than six feet in width.
(3) Eaves, gutters or downspouts that project not more than 18 inches into any yard.
(4) Bay and bow windows that project not more than 24 inches into any required front or rear yard; that are installed in a rough opening not more than 10 feet in width, not higher than one story; that are installed only on the first floor above grade; and for which window sills shall be a minimum of 18 inches above the finished floor; provided, however, that bay and bow windows, even if they satisfy each such condition, shall not be permitted encroachments into any side yards.
(5) To the extent that any building or structure lawfully encroaches into a required minimum yard due to either the grant of a variance with respect thereto granted by the Board of Appeals, or as a preexisting, nonconforming building or structure, none of the foregoing encroachments shall be permitted in such diminished yard unless a variance is granted therefor by the Board of Appeals.

There are (2) existing AC compressors in the right side yard and they diminish the right side yard to 4.1 feet and are a non-permitted encroachment.

The unenclosed entrance steps diminish the front yard to 6.8 feet and are a non-permitted encroachment.

§80-82 Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would change the building’s or structure’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, shall not be permitted hereunder unless an application for variance is made to the Board of Appeals and such application is granted by the Board of Appeals. In any such application, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board of Appeals that the cost of all alterations proposed to be made to such building or structure, in the aggregate, will not exceed 50% of the adjusted market value of the affected parcel, as reflected in the then-current assessment role for the Village. Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to preclude the maintenance and good repair of any nonconforming use or building.

This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County as Section 28, Block 4, Lot 15 in the Residential C District. It is also known as 19 July Avenue, Bayville, NY.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, Nassau County, New York, on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 8:15 p.m. to consider the following application:
#Z-5-18, Sniffen Residence (O’Grady Arch)
Application to make alterations requiring the following variances:
§80-26A: Lot requirements. No building or structure shall be erected on any lot within the Residence D District that has less than:One hundred feet of street frontage. The existing street frontage is 70.4 feet which is less than 100 feet.

§80-27A: Yard requirements. There shall be front, rear and side yards on each plot of not less than the following depth or width:
(3) Side yard: 10 feet, provided that the sum of the two side yards shall not be less than 25 feet. The existing side yard is 3.63 feet which is less than 10 feet.

#Z-5-18, Sniffen Residence (O’Grady Arch) Cont’d

§80-82: Alterations. Any alteration to a nonconforming use, building or structure that would change the building’s or structure’s front setback, side yard or rear yard, shall not be permitted hereunder unless an application for variance is made to the Board of Appeals and such application is granted by the Board of Appeals. In any such application, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board of Appeals that the cost of all alterations proposed to be made to such building or structure, in the aggregate, will not exceed 50% of the adjusted market value of the affected parcel, as reflected in the then-current assessment role for the Village.
Nothing herein is intended or shall be deemed to preclude the maintenance and good repair of any nonconforming use or building.

This property is known on the Land and Tax Maps of Nassau County as Section 29, Block 77, Lot 9 in the Residential D District. It is also known as 86 Mountain Avenue, Bayville, NY.

Persons who may suffer from a disability, which would prevent them from participating in said hearing, should notify Maria Alfano-Hardy, Village Clerk-Treasurer, at (516) 628-1439 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.

Georgia Giaccone, Clerk
February 9, 2018

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Bayville will hold a regular meeting today at 7:30 PM in Village Hall, 34 School Street, Bayville, New York 11709.


February 28, 2018
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Event Category:
